Professional Licensing
Montroll, Oettinger & Barquist P.C., provides expert assistance to professionals facing licensing issues. An investigation or a complaint by a professional licensing authority is a very serious matter. Our goal is to guide you through this process and minimize the potential negative impact on your professional license.
Mark Oettinger
Mark has extensive experience with educational licensing cases.
How We Can Help
We can help you effectively defend your nursing, pharmaceutical, real estate, dental, teaching, or engineering license.
As our client, we will help you understand the administrative complaint process, which is complex to those navigating it for the first time. It starts with the filing of a complaint by a former patient, client, colleague or other interested person with the state licensing agency. The agency assigns an investigator, who usually has nothing more than the complaint to go on. He or she will call or write attempting to set up a meeting.
Before you meet with anyone, we advise that you consult a professional licensing attorney for proper legal representation. There is often a very short time frame for the licensed professional to obtain an attorney who can evaluate the issues before the investigator seeks authority to file a formal complaint or an administrative hearing is scheduled.
Many licensed professionals attempt to resolve professional licensing issues on their own. While there may be no validity to the complaint, the risk of potential sanctions far outweighs the cost of hiring an attorney. Often an experienced professional licensing attorney can help achieve a dismissal or greatly reduce sanctions.